1. Breathable mesh
Lub chaw ua hauj lwm mesh yog nruj me ntsis xaiv thiab nruj nreem woven nrog yooj yim tsim, uas ua rau lub mesh muaj zog thiab ntau hnav-resistant thiab elastic.
2. Cov ncej ruaj khov
Cov khoom qub, xim ci, tsis muaj ntxhiab ntxiv 30% iav fiber ntau, muaj zog thiab ruaj khov, txuas nrog armrest, tsim qhov chaw ruaj khov.
3. Circular armrest
Ib zaug txhaj tshuaj molding tes, cov khoom siv thev naus laus zis tshiab, ruaj khov, siab load bearing.Ring tsim, nyab xeeb thiab ruaj khov.
4.Ntev lub cushion
Lub cushion yog ua los ntawm ultra-stretch sponge thiab thickened tsim, uas ua kom paub tseeb tias lub duav muaj txaus qhov tob, xis zaum, thiab nws tsis yooj yim rau deform tom qab zaum ntev.
5.Safety load-bearing tsim
Pulley tsib lub hnub qub taw, ua los ntawm hnav-tiv taus thiab zoo nylon khoom, dhau BIFMA tus qauv, siab load-bearing, kom muaj kev ruaj ntseg thiab ruaj khov.
6.Kev nyab xeeb thiab tawg tiv thaiv steel phaj
Lub chassis yog ua los ntawm steel phaj stamping, bearing 102kg, rub kuaj yam tsis muaj kev puas tsuaj, ruaj khov thiab siab load bearing, tsim los ntawm cov tuam txhab zoo hauv kev lag luam, cov ntaub ntawv pov thawj steel hlau pov thawj hauv kev lag luam, SGS ntawv pov thawj roj pas nrig, kev nyab xeeb kev nyab xeeb
Khoom nthuav dav
Yam khoom | Khoom siv | Kuaj | Warranty |
Ncej Khoom | PP Khoom Ncej + Mesh | Ntau tshaj 100KGS Load On The Back Test, Ua Haujlwm Li Cas | 1 xyoo warranty |
Khoom siv zaum | Mesh + Ua npuas ncauj (30 ntom) + Plywood | Tsis muaj Deforming, 6000 Teev Siv, Kev Ua Haujlwm Zoo | 1 xyoo warranty |
Caj npab | PP Cov Khoom Siv thiab Cov Khaub Ncaws ruaj khov | Ntau tshaj 50KGS Load On The Arm Test, Ua Haujlwm Li Cas | 1 xyoo warranty |
Mechanism | Hlau Khoom, Lifting Thiab Tilting Function | Ntau tshaj 120KGS Load ntawm Lub Tshuab, Kev Ua Haujlwm Zoo | 1 xyoo warranty |
Gas Lift | 100 hli (SGS) | Test Pass> 120,00 Lub voj voog, Kev ua haujlwm li qub. | 1 xyoo warranty |
Puag | 310MM Nylon Khoom | 300KGS Static Pressure Test, Ua haujlwm li qub. | 1 xyoo warranty |
Caster | PU | Kev xeem dhau> 10000Cycles hauv qab 120KGS thauj khoom ntawm lub rooj zaum, ua haujlwm li qub. | 1 xyoo warranty |
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